Which online learning platform is suitable for your course creation?


The digital education landscape has revolutionized learning and teaching, offering unprecedented flexibility and global reach. With countless online learning platforms, finding the best fit for your course creation can feel overwhelming. Each platform offers unique features, from user-friendly design tools to robust marketing support and different revenue-sharing models.

Emerging platforms

As the e-learning industry evolves, new platforms with innovative features and approaches are emerging. One such platform is Coursiv which aims to streamline the course creation while offering unique engagement tools for educators and learners alike.

Factors to consider when choosing a platform

Cost structure

Platforms may charge a monthly fee, take a percentage of your course sales, or offer a combination. When evaluating pricing models, consider your budget and expected revenue.

Customization options

The ability to brand your course and create a unique learning experience can set you apart from competitors. Look for platforms that allow you to customize the look and feel of your course site.

Support and community

Support from customers and fellow educators can be invaluable, especially when starting. Consider platforms that offer comprehensive help resources and active user forums.


As your course offerings grow, you’ll want a platform to accommodate your expanding needs. Look for options that allow you to manage multiple courses and handle increased student enrollments easily.

 online learning platform

Integration capabilities

Check whether the platform integrates with other tools, such as email marketing applications or customer relationship management systems.

Content ownership and portability

Ensure you retain ownership of your course content if you switch platforms.

Making your decision

After researching and comparing different platforms, it’s time to decide. Consider starting with a free trial or a basic plan to test the platform’s features and user experience before committing to the long-term. The best platform for you depends on your needs, goals, and teaching style. What works for one educator may differ from the ideal solution for another.

Launching your course

Once you’ve chosen your platform, it’s time to bring your course to life start by outlining your curriculum and creating engaging content. Use the platform’s features to design an interactive and immersive learning experience. As you develop your course, focus on delivering value to your target audience. Regularly seek student feedback and be prepared to iterate and improve your content.

Building your online presence

A solid online presence is crucial to attracting students to your course. In addition to creating great content, utilize social media, blogging, and networking to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Collaborate with other educators or influencers in your niche to expand your reach. Consider offering a free mini-course or webinar to give students a taste of your teaching style and course content.

Continuous improvement

The world of online education is constantly evolving. Keep up with the latest e-learning trends to ensure your courses remain relevant and engaging. Regularly review your analytics and student feedback to identify areas for improvement. As your course catalogue grows, your needs change. Don’t be afraid to reassess your platform choice and explore new options if necessary.